Friday, November 18, 2011

Ethnics In Fashion Photography

1. Lips, Hair, Neck, eyes, neck & shoulders, roundness of the face.

2. it isn't ethnically acceptable to change a person's appearance, especially like they did in the bill board. It's almost like saying that the person wasn't good enough for the picture. It also isn't their natural look.

3. I believe that bill boards such as the one in the video was surprising to see all the drastic changes that were made.

4. Little changes like red eye removal if necessary. But not huge changes that can change a person's physical appearance.

5. I believe that in fashion photography, changes like the ones made in the bill board are done often as well as commercials etc...
And i feel like photojournalism is more of what you capture in the moment. And exploring, and taking-in what's going on in the world around you.

6. It depends on what you like to take pictures of and what inspires you. Fashion industries seem to not really care how many changes they have to make to please others and have others critique their work. Whereas it seems like in photojournalsim, you take pictures in a genre of your choosing and on what pleases yourself and you critque your own work.

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